Subscription and other emerging service models can play a key role in outcomes-based customer-service vendor partnerships. At the pinnacle of service agreement evolution is the concept of everything/anything-as-a-Service (XaaS), wherein vendors deliver products, services or other capabilities to customers without the customer needing to purchase permanent ownership of the enabling hardware and software.
Long-term service agreements, such as ABB’s Power Care, provide a single point of contact for asset assessments, preventive maintenance, upgrades and other service needs. ABB Electrification Service supports customers to develop future-focused service strategies, optimizing electrical equipment value across the entire asset life cycle.
This collaborative approach was seen when ABB partnered with one of South America’s largest and oldest banks. The bank operates a world-class modern data center at its headquarters, which relies on a complex network of circuit breakers, switchboards and drives – but the bank had no preventive maintenance contract for these power components.